ArchCast®Precast Bridge Systems manufactured by County Prestress & Precast are a cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing bridge solution, designed to mitigate flood risk and maintain streambed ecosystems. Offered as a complete system, ArchCast bridges simplify installation and promote efficiency. Their precast fabrication ensures reliable durability and promotes low life cycle costs. ArchCast Precast Bridge Systems have a prolonged life expectancy that can reach and exceed 100 years.
Product Features
Arched spans from 12’ to 42’
Precast wing walls
Precast head walls (attached or detached)
Precast retaining wall, using earth anchor design (no tie backs)
Formliner can be applied to headwalls and wingwalls to meet architectural needs
County Prestress & Precasts ArchCast Precast Bridge System meets AASHTO & ASTM specifications and material requirements for the Illinois, Indiana, and Missouri Departments of Transportation.
ArchCast® Precast Bridge System
ArchCast® Precast Bridge Systems by County Prestress & Precast offer a cost-effective, eco-friendly solution to reduce flood risk and preserve streambed ecosystems.