Bridge & Prestress Products
County Prestress & Precast concrete products serve as integral components for bridge and tunnel applications for highways, railroads, airports and special projects. Our prestress facilities specialize in manufacturing long-lasting, reliable products to meet exacting specifications.
Janesville, WI Facility
- PCI Certified, WisDOT Approved, Iowa DOT Approved, MnDOT Approved, Tollway Approved
- AASHTO "I" Type Girders
- Wide Flange Girders (WisDOT)
- Wide Flange Girders (MnDOT)
- IDOT Bulb Tees
- Specialty Prestress
Roberts, WI Facility
- PCI Certified, WisDOT Approved, MnDOT Approved
- AASHTO "I" Type Girders
- Wide Flange Girders (MnDOT)
- Post & Beam
- Flat Panel
- Specialty Prestress
Champaign and Salem, IL Facilities
- PCI certified, IDOT Approved, Illinois State Highway Toll Authority (ISHTA) Approved
- AASHTO "I" Girders
- Box Girders
- NU Girders (MDOT)
- Railway Bridge Girders
- Deck Panels
- Specialty Prestress
Bonne Terre, MO Facility
- PCI Certified, MoDOT Approved
- AASHTO "I" Girders
- NU Girders (MoDOT)
- Deck Panels
For more information about this product or service, please contact our Marathon, WI office at (800) 289-2569.