Innovative, Design-Focused Prestressed Concrete Parking Structure Solutions
Modern parking structures are demanding greater durability, value, and visual impact, with more preconstruction services than ever before. Precast and prestressed concrete delivers and proves to be the leading material choice among construction professionals for its lasting performance and exceptional versatility.
Consider the Advantages
- Meet project specifications and applicable building codes
- Support high load capacities
- Create long, open parking bays
- Increase design flexibility
- Lower life cycle costs
- Resist natural and manmade elements
- Minimize site disturbance
- Shorten construction schedules
Available Products
- Prestressed Concrete Double Tees – up to 15’ wide
- Columns & Beams
- Spandrels
- Shear Walls
- Solid Slabs
- Stairs (upon request)
County Prestress supplies high-performing parking structure components and other reliable construction solutions to the greater Midwest, including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.