The Fire Resistance of Hollowcore Plank
Occupant safety is a primary consideration for designers. While all buildings must adhere to strict fire codes, some structures are subject to higher standards, such as apartments, schools, warehouses, and hospitals. These fire resistance and containment requirements are determined by the structure’s occupancy, size, and location.
Prestressed concrete is a reliable building material with inherent fire resistance. It can be engineered to contain fires without combusting or releasing toxic fumes. Hollowcore is tested and rated to meet fire-resistance requirements and maintain fire ratings for up to three hours. The fire endurance of concrete is determined by the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) E119, which identifies the procedures and materials used to manufacture quality, fire-resistant building components.
Hollowcore plank’s durability is determined by its depth and aggregate type, which can be customized at production. Fire ratings also depend on equivalent thickness for heat transmission, cover over prestressing strands for strength in high temperatures, and end restraint. To determine the fire endurance of hollowcore, refer to the International Building Code and the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute’s “Design for Fire Resistance of Precast/Prestressed Concrete.”
Use County Prestress’ Hollowcore for your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (708) 562-7700.