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Hollowcore Advantages for Multifamily Construction

Oct 9, 2023

Hollowcore is a high-performance construction material predominantly used for flooring and roofing applications. Its prestressed fabrication makes it ideal for multifamily residential and commercial projects, prioritizing tenant safety and comfort.


Multifamily or multi-use projects are often time-sensitive, and communities rely on them to house growing populations. Project leaders rely on materials with short lead times to accommodate short construction schedules.

County Prestress & Precast’s Hollowcore is cut to specification during production and ready for installation upon arrival, requiring less on-site cutting by subcontractors. Its efficiency enhances speed and ease of installation, reducing time and labor costs. Hollowcore planks offer the additional advantage of forming a stable work deck once installed, allowing earlier trades access.

The Downers Grove Apartments in Downers Grove, Illinois, faced several design and production challenges due to the project’s urban location and aggressive timeline. Project leaders sought building materials that could be produced and installed quickly, minimize traffic delays, and meet the excessive loading requirements of a tower crane. County Prestress & Precast’s Hollowcore was specified for the project’s podium and two-story parking garage.


When constructing residential buildings, project leaders prioritize the safety and comfort of future tenants. Fire resistance and durability are especially important considerations.

Fire Resistance

Engineered with safety and sustainability in mind, hollowcore contains fires without combusting or releasing toxic fumes into the building. Hollowcore’s thickness for heat transmission, cover over prestressing strands, and end restraint are all customized for maximum safety. As determined by the American Society for Testing & Materials (ASTM) E119, hollowcore has fire ratings for up to three hours.


Hollowcore has proven resilience. The planks’ prestressed fabrication supports heavy loads and maximizes functional space. Hollowcore is also resistant to rot, pests, and harsh weather conditions.

Use County Prestress & Precast's Hollowcore for your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (800) 562-7700.

