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Hollowcore: A Safe, Efficient Choice for Multifamily Podiums.

Oct 11, 2022

When constructing multifamily complexes, construction professionals seek materials that are reliable, safe, and efficient to meet accelerated construction schedules. 

County Prestress’ Hollowcore is manufactured with high-performance concrete and tensioned steel, making it inherently strong and durable with a service life of 100 years or more. The prestressed planks reduce life cycle cost for multifamily complexes.

Hollowcore is manufactured to specifications and delivered ready for installation. As a result, architects, engineers, and contractors can construct multifamily buildings more efficiently. Hollowcore planks provide a stable work deck once installed, allowing trades earlier building access and reducing time and labor costs on site.

The cores that run through hollowcore planks reduce raw material consumption, the weight of the slabs, and provide ready-made ducts for services. The planks also allow for wider spans with fewer columns increasing useable space and offering more design flexibility. 

Prestressed concrete has unmatched fire ratings up to three hours and is inherently resistant to rot and mold. Hollowcore is energy efficient, helping to maintain comfortable indoor temperatures, and offers superior sound insulation compared to other construction materials. 

Use County Prestress’ Hollowcore for your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (708) 562-7700.

