The Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute recently conducted a training webinar that featured County Prestress’ team member Chuck Gilbert talking about the massive Chicago O’Hare International Airport consolidated care rental facilities (CONRAC).
Chuck joined Joe Lombard, Executive Director of PCI Illinois-Wisconsin, to explain why prestressed concrete was chosen to meet the long-term demands of the high-performance structure. Webinar participants learned about the advantages precast concrete offers for parking structures, the manufacturing process, and the maintenance guidelines.
County Prestress manufactured and delivered more than 6,000 concrete structures including columns, beams, slabs, double tees, stairs, walls, and spandrel panels. They were installed at a rate of 25 per day for three years. The use of prestressed parking structure components kept the critical infrastructure project on schedule.
Prestressed concrete provided the strength needed to manage the vehicle and snow loads and the design flexibility to include open interiors, natural light and ventilation, and other sustainable features. The structure also was constructed to accommodate future expansion. Reduced maintenance requirements and inherent durability for concrete ensure low life cycle cost.
Rely on County Prestress for your next project by contacting our Customer Service Team at (708) 562-7700.