Value Engineering Cuts Life Cycle Cost and Boosts Material Performance
Construction professionals use value engineering to evaluate a project's design and make building material substitutions to maximize the service life of a structure or system. Material selections must achieve essential functions at the lowest life cycle cost and remain consistent with safety, performance, reliability, and quality standards.
Implementing value engineering for your project
Value engineering for new construction and major modernization projects occurs in the project's design and construction phases.
Design Phase
In the design phase of a project, engineers consider alternative designs to see which provides a low life cycle cost. They identify and evaluate changes that could increase the completed facility's functional value – while reducing construction, operation, and maintenance costs. Customer satisfaction with the design is also considered. Once a design is chosen, it is then scaled to the complexity and size of the project.
Construction Phase
During the construction phase, the contractor's experience and purchase options bring value engineering into play and can often generate substantial savings. When a construction contractor proposes a value engineering change to materials, methods, or construction requirements, they share in the cost savings. Modifications based on value engineering may reduce the construction costs or the life cycle cost of the building but must not compromise building safety, performance, design quality, appearance, or maintenance.
County Prestress & Precast manufactures durable and reliable prestressed concrete construction products that resist wind, forklift damage, and fire and require minimal maintenance throughout their extended service life. Insulated sandwich walls, hollowcore, and prestressed concrete double tees are energy-efficient building materials that serve value engineering concepts in long-lasting structures.
Use County Prestress & Precast's concrete construction products for your next project. Call our Customer Service Team at (708) 562-7700.