County Prestress & Precast Partners with Sojourner Family Peace Center
Sojourner Family Peace Center supports families affected by domestic violence as they seek safety, justice, and wellbeing. The center’s lifesaving services protect and empower more than 11,800 people each year, including Sara.
The violence started when Sara was young. She was only 10 years old when her father left, and she had to step up to take care of her family. Sara hid her feelings in adult-sized responsibilities while her siblings turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with their father’s absence.
Years later, Sara’s struggles worsened when she met Jack, her new partner who had a violent side. Jack took advantage of Sara’s tendency to put others’ needs first and used it to manipulate and control her. To her family and friends, Jack was charming and charismatic. He could talk his way out of anything, including when the police were called to their house.
Sara’s calls for help went unanswered, and without support, she endured the abusive relationship without an end in sight. Sara stopped trying to leave and eventually learned to follow Jack’s manipulative rules to lessen his abuse. She hoped things would improve when they had children, but unfortunately, his temper worsened.
Sara had enough. She was tired of living in fear and wanted a new life – a peaceful life – for her and her children. She reached out to Sojourner and, with help from an advocate, was granted a court-ordered domestic violence injunction to keep Jack away from her home, car, and workplace for the next four years.
Though she escaped the abusive relationship, Sara still felt mentally trapped. Her trauma left her feeling ashamed and afraid to open up, even in Sojourner’s support group. But, over time, Sara found her voice. She was surrounded by empathetic staff and group members who called her to confront and overcome her past.
Today, Sara is an active member of Sojourner’s Child Witness to Domestic Violence Support Group. Through this program, Sara and her children have found healthy ways to talk about the abuse they experienced. Sara has become a survivor who uses her voice to help others find safety and healing.
County Prestress, through the Sonnentag Foundation, partners with Sojourner Family Peace Center to help survivors find their voice. The Sonnentag Foundation supports dozens of worthy organizations and causes in four service areas, including Hunger and Homelessness Support, Military Personnel and Veteran Support, Sexual Abuse and Domestic Assault Services, and Youth Mentoring and Skills Building.