County Prestress & Precast Plants Earn PCI Certification
Plant Certification from the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (PCI) is the industry’s most proven, comprehensive, trusted and specified certification program available. Because of this, County Prestress & Precast maintains PCI certification in the company’s prestress concrete plants. PCI Plant Certification ensures that each plant has developed and documented in-depth, in-house quality systems based on national industry standards. To be certified, County Materials’ prestress plants receive two thorough audits per year and successfully demonstrate appropriate experience and training in manufacturing precast concrete, quality systems and procedures, and a commitment to safety and quality throughout the organization.
The following County Prestress & Precast locations have maintained PCI Plant Certification as of February 2020. You can search for certified plants on the PCI website by clicking here.
+Bonne Terre, MO
+Champaign, IL
+Salem, IL
+Janesville, WI
+Roberts, WI
Prestress Bridge Girders