CPL News

Show Your Support: 11 Ways to Honor a Veteran

Written by Admin | Nov 11, 2021

County Prestress is proud to have veterans and service members working within our company. Our country nationally recognizes Veterans Day on November 11th. To us, it is important to recognize these individuals throughout the year. Here are 11 ways you can honor a veteran:

  1. Fly a Flag

    Flying a flag is a wonderful way to show your support to veterans and service members. Ensure when flying the American flag, you are doing so correctly and respectfully. Click here for some best practices shared by Better Homes and Gardens.
  2. Wear a Red Poppy

    To show your support for a veteran, wear a red poppy. Local American Legions distribute red paper poppies that are handmade by veterans each year. Donations received directly support veterans with disabilities or those who are hospitalized.
  3. Support a Veteran Owned Business

    Shopping at a local veteran owned business is another way to show your gratitude throughout the year. Your support allows them to continually provide for their family and community.
  4. Volunteer for a Veterans Organization

    Find a local veterans organization within your community and spend a day volunteering.
  5. Donate to a Homeless Veterans Organization

    There are many organizations that help veterans get back on their feet after becoming homeless. To provide shelter, food, and other necessities, donate to these local organizations.
  6. Sponsor a Service Dog

    Help a veteran who struggles with PTSD or has life-altering injuries. Service dogs provide these individuals a sense of independence and help them gain confidence. Sponsor a service dog to help veterans live without limits.
  7. Visit a War Memorial

    Many cities have memorials dedicated to veterans and service members. Research memorials in your area and visit them to pay tribute to these individuals. You may also learn something new about your community in the process.
  8. Say “Thank you”

    Taking the time to say thank you to a veteran makes all the difference. If you personally know a veteran or meet someone who has served, they will appreciate you showing your gratitude for their service.
  9. Visit a Veterans Hospital

    Contact your local VA hospital and see where you can provide support. They may be hosting events on Veterans Day or have volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
  10. Buy a Veteran Coffee

    Small acts of kindness make a difference. If you are at the coffee shop and see a veteran, buy \ their coffee, or take a veteran that you know out for coffee to show them your gratitude.
  11. Give Them the Opportunity to Tell Their Stories

    Offer veterans the opportunity to share their story with you. Taking the time to stop and listen shows them that you care and appreciate their sacrifice.

To our men and women in uniform, past, present, and future, thank you for your faithful service.